There are eight million stories in the Naked City — or 8,175,133, to be more precise, according to recently released U.S. Census Bureau figures. NYCity News Service reporters hit the streets to put faces to the numbers in a series of story packages that offer snapshots of who we are, how we live — and where. We found the only thing you can count on in the city is change.


Growing Gowanus

The canal is due for a cleanup and a Whole Foods is on the way. Census figures show that the boom is being fueled, at least in part, by an influx of young residents.

By and May 23, 2011

Journey to New York City

Fewer than half of New York City residents were born in New York State. Check out some interviews with New Yorkers who started life outside New York.

By and May 23, 2011

The Bronx Bounces Back

Melrose is one of the fastest-growing neighborhoods in the city – another sign of the South Bronx’s rise from the ashes.

By May 23, 2011